Home / FAQ / Modify The Gateway Server Ip And Port

Modify The Gateway Server Ip And Port

1. Modify The Gateway Server Ip And Port

a. The PC is directly connected to the WIFI hotspot of the gateway;

b. PC access gateway WIFI through telnet:23 protocol

  1. Execute on the telnet interactive terminal and execute the following commands to modify the IP and Port;

View all default parameters of the system and find the storage key corresponding to the server;

cat /etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP/RT2860_default_vlan

Set the server IP and Port, view the server IP and Port.

nvram_set UDPServerIP

nvram_set UDPServerPort 8888

nvram_get UDPServerIP

nvram_get UDPServerPort


Restart the program to make the configuration take effect;



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